Passing directions terminology in soccer refers to the line or path the ball is expected to take when it is struck by the passer to a potential receiver. These are general soccer terms used when a player, in possession of the ball, is facing the attacking goal and attempting to send the ball to a teammate.
It is recognized that a player can face in any direction, just as the ball can be passed in any direction, but most of the terms still apply. For example, a midfielder who is facing the defensive goal, and is going to pass the ball to a central defender who is behind him, is still making a “back” pass. Passes may be on the ground or in the air.
Clockwise, around the circumference of the player, the general directions are Forward: Angled Right; Right; Back and Right; Back; Back and Left; Left; and, Angled Left. Within these terms there are other terms that are essentially synonymous.
Ahead – Generally, any direction in front of the player in possession of the ball.
Deep – Pass the ball far upfield to a teammate who is making a run; long.
Downfield, Down – In the direction away from the defending goalkeeper.
Down the line – To kick or pass the ball upfield parallel to and just inside the touchline.
Forward, Front – Passes directed toward the attacking goal, usually parallel to the sidelines; contrast with back passes, diagonal passes, or square passes.
Long – Generally, a pass beyond approximately 30 yards, usually in the air, which requires an instep kick.
Parallel – A pass which is made close to, and follows the direction of, the sideline marking.
Short – Passes generally traveling 15-yards or less.
Straight, Straight Ahead – Directly in front of the player in possession of the ball.
Upfield – In the direction of the goal a team is attacking.
Angled (Right)
Angled – Any pass in the pie-shaped space from directly straight ahead to immediately toward the right.
Corner – The area inside the field near the right corner post.
Diagonal – An angled pass toward the right-front which is neither parallel to (“down”) the sideline nor perpendicular to (“square”) to the sideline (often 45-degrees).
Line – Passing in the direction of the right sideline.
Post – The area inside the field around and in front of the right upright of the goal.
Center, Centering – Generally, while on the left side of the field, a pass from near the sideline to the middle of the field.
Flat – Pass which is perpendicular to the sideline.
Lateral – A pass made by a player to a teammate directly to the right such that the path of the ball is parallel to the halfway line or perpendicular to the sideline.
Square – A pass made by a player to a teammate directly to the right such that the path of the ball is parallel to the halfway line.
Wide – To pass the ball toward the right sideline, touchline, flank or wing.
Back and Right
Angled – Any pass in the pie-shaped space from immediately to the right to directly behind.
Diagonal – An angled pass toward the right-rear which is neither parallel to (“down”) the sideline nor perpendicular to (“square”) to the sideline.
Reverse – Player with the ball advances forward looking like he will make the obvious pass to a player in front of him, but instead makes a more-than-90-degree-angle pass to a trailing or following teammate.
Back – In the direction of the goal being defended.
Behind – To the back or rear, in the direction of the defensive goal.
Straight back – Directly behind the player with the ball.
Back and Left
Angled – Any pass in the pie-shaped space from immediately to the left to directly behind.
Diagonal – An angled pass toward the left-rear which is neither parallel to (“down”) the sideline nor perpendicular to (“square”) to the sideline.
Reverse – Player with the ball advances forward looking like he will make the obvious pass to a player in front of him, but instead makes a more-than-90-degree-angle pass to a trailing or following teammate.
Center, Centering – Generally, while on the right side of the field, a pass from near the sideline to the middle of the field.
Flat – Pass which is perpendicular to the sideline.
Lateral – A pass made by a player to a teammate directly to the left such that the path of the ball is parallel to the halfway line or perpendicular to the sideline.
Square – A pass made by a player to a teammate directly to the left such that the path of the ball is parallel to the halfway line.
Wide – To pass the ball toward the left sideline, touchline, flank or wing.
Angled (Left)
Angled – Any pass in the pie-shaped space from directly straight ahead to immediately toward the left.
Corner – The area inside the field near the left corner post.
Diagonal – An angled pass toward the left-front which is neither parallel to (“down”) the sideline nor perpendicular to (“square”) to the sideline (often 45-degrees).
Line – Passing in the direction of the left sideline.
Post – The area inside the field around and in front of the left upright of the goal.
Angle of a pass – Direction or path of a pass from a passer in relationship to the touchline, a defender, or a teammate.
Back heel – Either a back pass or, if the player in possession is facing toward the defensive goal, a forward pass to a teammate on an overlap.
Center – To the middle of the field: To the left when right of the midline and to the right when left of the midline.
Far post – The area around and in front of the upright farthest away from the player: To the farthest left when right of the midline and to the farthest right when left of the midline.
Horizontal axis – The field from sideline to sideline, right-to-left, parallel to the goal lines. (Sometimes referred to as east-west.)
Interface – A pass between two defenders to an attacker in the immediate space in front of the goal.
Near post – The area around and in front of the upright closest to the player: To the closest right when right of the midline and to the closest left when left of the midline.
Outlet – The goalkeeper, or a defender, kicks or otherwise sends the ball to a teammate who has run toward the sideline and upfield, after the ball has been stopped or saved near the goal; often used to start a fast break or quick counter-attack.
Parallel – A pass which follows the same direction of (and generally close to) a sideline marking.
Passing angle – The degree from straight ahead that a ball must be kicked in order for it to not be intercepted by a defender.
Possession – A pass intended to retain the ball for the team; usually a back-pass or square-pass to a clearly-open teammate, not necessarily intended to further any specific type of attack.
Reverse field – To switch (pass) the ball to the other side of the field; as a dribbler, to perform a 180-degree turn and go in the opposite direction.
Straight lines – Runs or passes that are made upfield, backward or square, parallel or perpendicular to the sidelines.
Switch fields – To change position of the ball from one side to the other side of the field of play, usually through the back defenders; to swing the ball.
Vertical axis – The field from goal line to goal line, back-to-front, parallel to the sidelines. (Sometimes referred to as north-south.)
Soccer Coaching Tips:
- Most of the passing directions come with corresponding oral communications using the same words. See: Oral Communications
- Players need to make runs and get open to receive passes. See: Attacking Runs
- See: Intermediate Passing – General
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