American Soccer-Golf



This very fun practice activity is a combination of soccer passing and golf scoring using a golf-course-style layout on a soccer practice field. A soccer ball is used by each player to kick from “Tees” to “Greens.”


Players attempt to use the minimum number of kicks to navigate a nine-hole “golf course.”

Field Set-Up

See the attached diagram. The size of the course should be proportionate to the age group. In general, the overall field should be approximately 50-yards wide by 70-yards long. Numbered discs are set up as “tees” and cones with a corresponding number are set up as the “holes” or “pins” on the “greens.”

Number of Players

The field is sized to accommodate nine to eighteen players, generally ranging in age from U-8 to U-14. A “shotgun start” is used where players as singles or in pairs simultaneously begin at each of the “tees.”

Method of Scoring

Each player is given a 3”x5” scorecard and a pencil to right down the number of kicks (“strokes”) they take on each “hole.” The player with the lowest total at the end is the “winner.”

Start of Play

The coach may show a diagram of the course to the assembled team and/or walk the team through the course. Singles or paired sets of players are established and directed to move to the respective “tees.” Once players are in position, the coach may blow a whistle or simply announce to begin. Players should not interfere with the players or balls ahead of them or beside them.

Rules of Play

Players must faithfully record the number of kicks they take to pass the ball from each “tee” in order to hit the corresponding cone on the respective “green.”


– Corner flags or practice poles may be used as the “pins” instead of cones.
– Circles for the “greens” may be laid out with field-marking paint.
– Copies of the course layout may be handed out and used instead of 3”x5” scorecards.
– If sufficient parents are available, they can walk with players to act as scorekeepers.

Soccer Coaching Tips:


– Instep Drive
– Inside of Foot Push Pass
– Accuracy
– Pace

© Copyright, John C. Harves

Suggested Plan for American Soccer Golf Passing Course