Open League Notice to All Players



The Executive Committee of the League wishes to welcome you to this season’s competition. Before you begin play in the League, we would like to provide you with some very important information:

– The League does not carry any medical insurance. Players must make their own arrangements for medical coverage.

– The League plays on public fields, therefore no alcoholic beverages of any kind are allowed at league games.

– You will be held responsible for any misconduct. You are subject to the rules of the State Association, the United States Soccer Federation, and civil law. You are responsible not only for your own behavior, but also for controlling the behavior of your supporters.

– You will not be allowed to play in any League game without being properly registered. This means that you must have a valid “player pass,” issued by the League Registrar, for your team manager to present to the referee, and can only play for one USSF- affiliated team at a time.

– No team manager from another team may approach you to join his team. You, however, are free to contact other teams.

– You must get a signed release to change teams during a soccer year, September 1 through August 31. No team manager may restrict your transfer to another team. If you transfer to another team within the League, you must sit out one regular-season game.

– You may not transfer to another League team with fewer than three regular-season games remaining during a competition season (Fall or Spring).

– You may not transfer to another League team during a cup tournament.

– The League is run entirely by volunteers. Your help is mandatory to maintain the high standards of the League. Help all of us by arriving early for games, by being in proper uniform, by helping to put up and take down nets and flags, and, when requested, by picking up trash.

– You must respect the rights of private property owners that surround League fields. Do not park in or block driveways. Do cut across or lounge on lawns. Do not lean on other people’s cars. Do not litter.

– Individual trophies for the coach and each player are provided by the League to the champion of each of the Fall and Spring regular-season competitions. If you should be on a team that wins one of these competitions, your trophy is to be presented to you by your team manager.

– Your team manager is the official point of contact for all communications to and from the League. You may, however, write the Executive Committee if an issue concerns the team manager. Protests, or any other matter relating to games or game conditions, may only come from team managers.

– If you are ejected from a League game, you must sit out the next two games. This can continue from one competition season to the next, if applicable.

– You cannot play unless you have a signed Liability Release Form on file with the League Registrar.

Your signature below attests to your receipt of this Notice to All Players and your agreement to abide by the requirements herein.

– The Executive Committee

Printed Name: ___________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________

Date: _____________________

© Copyright, John C. Harves