The majority of the warm-up exercises contained in this series involve the players using their hands to manipulate the ball. Because the players need to understand that this is not normal for the game, and because a certain level of physical maturity is required, it is recommended that these exercises be used with players 9-years old and above.
(U-9 through Advanced)
(Players facing each other unless otherwise specified.)
Both players standing approximately five yards apart – toss ball back and forth, one-handed; high, low, to sides, bounced, but always within catchable distance; increase rate and hardness
Both players standing approximately five yards apart – toss ball back and forth, throw-in style, to chest; catch with both hands; increase rate and hardness
Both players standing approximately five yards apart – toss ball into air, throw-in style; jump and catch at highest point with both hands, like a goalkeeper
Both players standing approximately five yards apart – toss ball into air, basketball-jump-shot style; jump and catch rebound-style
Both players standing approximately five yards apart – player holds ball with both hands, jumps as high as possible with ball held as high as possible; ball is tossed to teammate using both hands at apex of jump
Both players standing approximately five yards apart – both players simultaneously jog a parallel path while tossing the ball back-and-forth
Both players standing approximately five yards apart – toss ball back and forth using both hands, but player tossing ball must jump into the air and simultaneously spread legs apart (jumping-jack style)
Both players standing approximately five yards apart – toss ball back and forth using both hands, but player tossing ball must jump into the air and simultaneously bend at waist and flex knees (jump-header style)
Both players standing approximately five yards apart – player locks ball between feet and then “tosses” it to teammate’s feet; variation, “toss” to teammate’s waist; trap, return
Both players standing approximately five yards apart – player locks ball between feet and then “tosses” it to teammate from behind and over the head or shoulder; trap, return
Both players standing approximately five yards apart – one player dribbles forward while the other backs up; reverse
Both players standing approximately five yards apart – one player dribbles left, then right, while the other shadows; reverse positions
Both players standing approximately five yards apart – heading one touch
Both players standing approximately five yards apart – heading, two touch
Both players standing right in front of each other – one player grips the ball top-and-bottom, the other player grips the ball left-and-right: ball wrestle; switch grips and repeat
Both players approximately ten yards apart – one player, holding ball and back turned, tosses the ball between his legs to the other player (same as “centering” the ball to the quarterback “shotgun-style” in American football); catch, turn around; repeat
Both players sitting, soles of feet touching – pass ball back-and-forth throw-in style; move farther apart
Both players sitting, soles of feet touching – player with ball must lie on back and while sitting up, pass the ball throw-in style; move farther apart
Both players sitting approximately five yards apart – toss ball back and forth, one-handed; high, low, to sides, bounced, but always within catchable distance; increase rate and hardness
Both players standing approximately five yards apart – player holds ball with both hands, rolls back and touches toes to ground overhead; upon rolling forward to return to sitting position player tosses ball, throw-in style, to teammate
Both players lying on stomachs, in extension, facing each other approximately three yards apart – toss ball back and forth; move farther apart
Both players with backs touching each other – pass ball around, waist high, from side to side; reverse direction
Both players with backs touching each other – pass ball over and under, above head and through legs; reverse direction
Both players facing each other – capture ball between foreheads (“St. Louis Arch”), walk together, forward/backward, right/left, without letting the ball hit the ground
(Also see the One-Player, One-Ball Warm-Ups.)
Soccer Coaching Tips:
- These warm-ups are generally used for practices only.
- These warm-ups are usually used in conjunction with proper stretching performed in advance.
© Copyright, John C. Harves