Stretching should be introduced to soccer players no later than age 9. Stretching can help minimize the risk of an injury. Visit to learn what can happen when you don’t warm up your shoulders. The following basic set of standing stretches, however, can be used for any age group, from youth to adults. This set does not require players to place themselves on the ground or involve a partner. As a result, coaches do not have to be concerned about wet field conditions or players who do not yet have the proper training to stretch with a teammate.
All of the stretches are “static” stretches, where the muscle and tendon groups are taken to the point of “feeling the pull,” held for a number of seconds, and then moved or “shaken out.” There is to be no bouncing. The set of stretches is to be preceded by a gentle warm-up. Youth are to be instructed to hold each stretch for a count of 5 to 10 seconds. The amount of time the stretch is held is to be increased with advancing age until each stretch is held by adults for up to 30 seconds. The coach can introduce how the count is performed orally (e.g., “a thousand one, a thousand two, etc.” or “one Mississippi, two Mississippi, etc.”) and then turn the count over to a Captain or alternate it among the players. Adults may add multiple sets.
- Jog in place, jog around half of the field, or jog around the whole field
- Jumping jacks, performed relatively slowly and loosely
Neck – 6-point
- Push the head to the right with the left hand (may also pull with the right hand)
- Push the head to the left with the right hand (may also pull with the left hand)
- Push the head back with both hands
- Pull the head forward from the back with both hands
- Push/pull the head to the right-forward oblique with both hands
- Push/pull the head to the left-forward oblique with both hands
- Twist/twirl/circle the head slowly at the neck, around in one direction, then the other
Neck 6 Point Stretch – Back to Front
- Right arm straight, elbow locked, arm brought in front of chest, forearm just above opposite shoulder, pull right arm with the left hand placed just above the right elbow
- Left arm straight, elbow locked, arm brought in front of chest, forearm just above opposite shoulder, pull left arm with the right hand placed just above the left elbow
- Twist/twirl/circle the arms outstretched to the sides
- Bend right arm at the elbow, direct the elbow straight overhead with the hand behind the neck, pull the right arm with the left hand placed on the right elbow
- Bend left arm at the elbow, direct the elbow straight overhead with the hand behind the neck, pull the left arm with the right hand placed on the left elbow
- Twist/twirl/circle the arms outstretched above the head
- Elbows of both arms locked, both arms behind the back
- Elbows of both arms locked, cross arms in front
- Hold and release strong, deep breaths
- Legs shoulder-width apart, twist to the right
- Legs shoulder-width apart, twist to the left
- Arms outstretched to either side, circle left then circle right
- “Four points:” legs shoulder-width apart; lean forward, then left, then back, then right; as far as possible for each
- Legs shoulder-width apart; with right arm overhead to the left, lean as far left as possible; reverse
Waist and Back
- Legs shoulder-width apart, hands on hips, bend straight forward
- Legs shoulder-width apart, hands in small of back, bend backward
- Legs shoulder-width apart, both hands point to right foot, bend right oblique
- Legs shoulder-width apart, both hands point to left foot, bend left oblique
- While bending at waist, circle left then circle right
- Legs slightly more than shoulder-width apart, right knee locked, left foot pointed left oblique, bend left knee, push on right hip with right hand
- Legs slightly more than shoulder-width apart, left knee locked, right foot pointed right oblique, bend right knee, push on left hip with left hand
- Alternately swing legs left and right
- Sartorius – while standing on the left leg, simultaneously raise and bend the right leg at the knee (with the sole facing to the right) while grasping the inside of the ankle with the right hand; carefully push the foot forward while bringing the knee down; reverse
- Back straight, stand on left leg, grip just above right ankle with right hand, pull heel toward buttocks
- Back straight, stand on right leg, grip just above left ankle with left hand, pull heel toward buttocks
- (OPTION: By gripping the foot near the toes, this can include the instep/tibialis anterior, but this should never be done at the expense of properly stretching the quads.)
- Alternately shake legs
- Knees locked, right ankle crossed over left ankle, bend at waist to touch right fingers/hand to right toes; then…
- Knees locked, left ankle crossed over right ankle, bend at waist to touch left fingers/hand to left toes
- Feet together, knees locked; bend at waist for “traditional” toe touch; over time, work hands to be able to place palms on the ground
- Feet shoulder-width apart, both hands to left foot; then, both hands to right foot
- Feet shoulder-width apart, both hands down the back of the left calf; then right
- Feet shoulder-width apart; both hands together centered touching ground; “walk” both hands as far back as possible
- Back straight; stand on left leg; grip with both hands just below right knee; pull the leg up to the chest; then, switch legs
- Alternately shake legs
- Right foot approximately 18 inches in front of left, full soles of both feet always in contact with the ground, forward lean bending right knee keeping left knee locked
- Left foot approximately 18 inches in front of right, full soles of both feet always in contact with the ground, forward lean bending left knee keeping right knee locked
- Alternately, perform foot twists at ankle, clockwise and counter-clockwise
© Copyright, John C. Harves