The majority of the warm-up exercises contained in this series involve the players using their hands to manipulate the ball. Because the players need to understand that this is not normal for the game, and because a certain level of physical maturity is required, it is recommended that these exercises be used with players 9-years old and above.
(U-9 through Advanced)
Standing, start with feet together, end with feet together – jump back-to-front and front-to-back with feet going simultaneously to opposite sides around the ball
Standing, feet together jump over ball – back-to-front and front-to-back; side-to-side
Standing, throw ball up into air – jump high to catch, like a goalkeeper
Standing, throw ball up into air – forward roll; get up, catch before it hits the ground
Standing, throw ball up into air – lie on ground; get up, catch before it hits the ground
Standing, throw ball up into air – perform push-up; get up, catch before it hits the ground
Standing, throw ball up into air – squat thrust; get up, catch before it hits the ground
Standing, bounce ball in front with both hands – hard and fast
Standing, bounce ball in front with both hands – while running in place; while skipping; while jumping
Standing, bounce ball in front with both hands – raise right leg over ball as it hits the ground; bounce, raise left leg over ball
Standing, feet shoulder-width apart – bounce ball three times in front with both hands – place third bounce between feet; turn; catch; resume bouncing while facing in opposite direction; repeat
Standing, feet together – roll ball around feet counter-clockwise with right hand; roll ball around feet clockwise with left hand
Standing, feet shoulder-width apart – roll ball around feet counter-clockwise with right hand; roll ball around feet clockwise with left hand
Standing, feet shoulder-width apart – roll ball in a “figure 8,” right hand passing the ball from the front, then between the legs to behind, then left hand bringing the ball back in front and doing the same
Standing, feet more than shoulder-width apart – Hold ball in air between legs, right hand in front, left hand from behind – reverse hands without letting the ball hit the ground
Standing, ball locked between insides of both feet, hop
Standing, perform “Irish Jig” toe tappers
Sitting, feet together, legs outstretched – roll ball around body counter-clockwise with right hand; roll ball around feet clockwise with left hand
Sitting, knees bent, soles on ground, one heel to buttocks – toss ball high into the air; stand to catch
Sitting, feet together, legs outstretched – toss ball high into the air; stand to catch
Front leaning rest, hands on ground with ball under chest – push ups; chest to ball
Front leaning rest, hands on ground with ball under chest – push ups; alternate to left side of ball then to right
Front leaning rest, with hands on ball under chest – push ups
Lying on back – roll ball over stomach; arch hips up from ground so body is supported on feet and shoulders; roll ball under lower back; return to lying on back; repeat
Lying on back, ball captured between feet, arms on ground above head – lift both legs together and transfer ball to hands; return legs to ground; sit up and transfer ball back between feet
Lying on back, ball captured between feet – “V” sit-ups
Lying on back, ball captured between feet – “V”-up position; trunk twists: legs to left, then to right (arms can be moved simultaneously to opposite sides)
Lying on stomach, full extension – bounce ball with both hands out in front; bounce ball with right hand out in front; bounce ball with left hand out in front
Lying on back, ball held in hands at chest, legs to the sky, “bicycle pedal”
Lying on back, ball locked between insides of both knees, legs to the sky, “bicycle pedal”
Lying on back, ball locked between insides of both feet, legs to the sky, “bicycle pedal” (in effect, rolling the insides of the feet around the sides of the ball)
[The three “bicycle pedals” above with legs at 45-degree angle]
Jogging, “bowl” the ball out ahead with right hand – collect with both hands, bowl again with the left hand; width of field
Running, throw ball up into air slightly out ahead – jump high to catch like a goalkeeper; repeat; width of field
Running, throw ball up into air slightly out ahead – control with instep then dribble; repeat with thigh; repeat with head width of field
Running, “bowl” the ball strongly out ahead – sprint to ball; control; dribble; width of field; return
Running, kick the ball strongly out ahead – sprint to ball; control; dribble; width of field; return
Running, speed dribble – width of field; return
Juggle, any part of body – width of field; return
Juggle, thigh only, instep only, then head only – width of field; return
(See the Sideline-to-Sideline Dribbling Drills Series, which can also be used as one-player, one-ball warm-ups.)
(Also see Two-Players, One Ball Warm-Ups.)
Soccer Coaching Tips:
- These warm-ups are generally used for practices only.
- These warm-ups are usually used in conjunction with proper stretching performed in advance.
© Copyright, John C. Harves