The following letters represent samples of soccer communications which can be modified and sent to inform or get data from the parents of players as part of team administration. Communications and inquiries such as these can easily be transmitted using a combination of e-mails and a team website, or even through the USPS.
Sample E-mail #1:
Hello, Soccer Families!
My name is (Coach) and I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you as your child’s coach for the upcoming season for (3, 4, 5, 6 –year olds). I will ask the children to simply call me “Coach.” (Name) will act as my Assistant Coach and (Name) will act as my sideline proxy and Team Mom.
At the first meetings, I will be wearing (description). Warning! – At practices, I like to have the adults (one per child) participate whenever I can work them in!!! You don’t need “gear,” just appropriate shoes and clothes. In addition, I will be touching your child to demonstrate skills, technique, proper movement, and positioning. I also give handshakes, “high fives,” and hugs. Further, please note (any important club item).
– Every child needs their own BALL. For this age group you should purchase a “SIZE 3.” It does not have to be expensive. Please print your LAST NAME on the ball in permanent marker. PLEASE BRING THE BALL TO EVERY PRACTICE.
– Every child is REQUIRED to wear SHIN GUARDS. Players are not allowed to participate without them! Again, they do not have to be expensive. I recommend full, “ankle” (“pull-on,” “ankle-protection,” “stirrup”) guards in Youth Small (YS), Youth Medium (YM) or (YL), depending on the height of the child.
– SOCCER SHOES (“cleats”) are not required for this age, but they can be cute and the kids sure seem to love this different type of shoe. (Regular “tennis” shoes are fine.) The Club does “recommend” cleats, however. If you choose to get them, they should not be expensive (you may wish to try Walmart or similar store for a generic sports cleat or, if you are comfortable with the shoe size, on-line). They must have molded-rubber/synthetic soles.
Some of the large sports stores may put together package deals of shoes/shin guards/ balls.
– UNIFORMS (shirt and socks to be provided by Club) are to be worn to all “games.” They may be worn to practice, but this is not necessary. If you wish, you may purchase black or dark navy shorts to enhance the uniform look. Shin guards are to be worn under the socks. The “games” are just enhanced soccer practices with the other teams in this age group.
– You should bring a WATER BOTTLE (or sports drink) to all practices and games. Water is best. There will be specific water breaks, especially during hot weather.
– Practices and games will START ON TIME AND END ON TIME. It is not a problem if you arrive late for a start. A PARENT RESPONSIBLE FOR EACH CHILD MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TIMES DURING PRACTICES AND GAMES and claim their child immediately at the end.
– A LIMITED NUMBER OF PORTABLE TOILETS are available at the field. Even so, it is strongly recommended that you back off on your child’s fluid intake before practices and games and have them use the bathroom just before you leave for the field. In this regard, please do not let your child carry their own water bottle – – they have been known to just suck on it continually…
– Please ensure that your children are always APPROPRIATELY DRESSED for the weather. If the weather is cold, remember that you can always take things off, but you can’t put something on if you don’t have it.
– No child is to be forced to attend a practice or a game. This is to be fun.
– You DO NOT have to contact me if you are going to miss a practice or a game.
– There shall be NO “HEADING,” ever, for this age group, in practice, in games, or at home! At no time shall a ball be tossed or thrown at a child’s head in this age group, especially by an older sibling. Neither should a child be allowed to try to toss a ball for themselves.
– Please use the county WEATHER LINE if there is a question about a practice or game being held: (xxx-xxx-xxxx). This may direct you to (url); click on “Cancellation Notice.” Practices and games will end immediately if there is lightning or thunder. If this happens go immediately to cars. DO NOT GO UNDER TREES.
Our team is designated as “(Name and/or Number).”
PRACTICES are scheduled for (times) every (day of the week), starting (date) and ending (date), at the (name/location) fields.* We will be on “FIELD (#).” Facing the fields from the parking lot, this is the (designation). During practices, children may leave the field at any time to visit with their parents. During practices, parents may enter the field at any time if their child needs attention.
GAMES are scheduled for (times) every (day of the week), starting (date), and ending (date), at the (name/location) fields.* IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to prior commitments, neither I nor my assistant coach will be able to attend the game on (date). *** WE MUST HAVE A VOLUNTEER COACH FOR THAT DAY! ***
“Picture Day” will be held at the game field on (date). If it rains, the pictures will be taken on the same day and time as the scheduled game, indoors at (location).
Again this year, the (Club) will be distributing personalized participation trophies at the end of the season. Your player’s first name, as submitted at registration, is expected to be used. If the name is incorrect, misspelled, or you would like to use a nickname, please notify me by (date).
PARKING: Please park only in designated spots. Violators parked in nearby private lots can be towed at their own expense! *Driving (directions)…
Further, this is to notify you that I will be touching your children in order to demonstrate skills, move them to positions, reassure them, and to give them “high fives,” etc.
(Coach) (E-mail) (Home phone)
(Cell phone)
Sample E-mail #2:
Dear Soccer Parent:
Thank you very much for the time and effort involved in having your child try out for the (team). Your interest was deeply appreciated by the coaching staff. Much to our surprise, over XX players participated in the tryouts. This was the largest number of tryout players ever in the history of the team. Given my desire to limit the roster size to XX, this had made the competition for slots very fierce.
For your child, (name):
(X) – I am pleased to inform you that he/she has made the team for the upcoming (season/year/year+1) season.
(X) – Your son/daughter has been placed on the waiting list for the upcoming (season/year/year+1) season. This means that, if a player should leave the team, you may receive a call. However, you should not expect this to occur. As such, it is highly recommended that you actively pursue other options.
(X) – Unfortunately, your son/daughter cannot be offered a slot.
Letter Sample One:
City, State, Zip
Dear Mr. and Mrs.:
I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that this spring I will be coaching at the next level of competitive soccer. It is therefore my pleasure to invite your son to join me. Your son has demonstrated the skills and athleticism necessary to be able to compete at this level. Whether you are or are not interested in accepting this invitation, I would appreciate hearing from you before January 15, 20XX. For those players who opt to participate in a different sport in the spring, please contact me again before June 15, 20XX, if you wish to discuss playing in the fall.
This team will be for boys born on or after August 1, 20XX. The team will participate in the XYZ “classic” program under the auspices of the ABC Athletic Association. This is a “select” program where the players are chosen or selected for the team. In contrast, the Boys and Girls Club runs a “recreational” program. XYZ requires that a team has a minimum of 13 and a maximum of 18 players. Of these, they also require that at least 50% of the players have birthdates between August 1, 20XX, and July 31, 20XX. Others may be younger. In the event that fewer than 13 of the players listed on the enclosure accept this invitation, there will still be a team because ABC Athletic Association and the XYZ Organization will fill the roster. Registration will occur sometime in mid-March and will require an original birth certificate.
I anticipate that there will be two practices a week starting in March, probably on Tuesdays and Thursdays, in our area. Games will be on Saturdays at one field located within the county. Teams do not play on a different field each weekend. The field is designated shortly before the start of each season. In comparison, the “traveling select” programs such as the DEF soccer club and the XYZ club teams, which participate in the area-wide soccer league, play on Sundays anywhere in the greater metropolitan area, including as far away as next state.
I intend to coach this team up to the highest level of the players’ abilities. In order to do this, I will need assistance from all of the parents, especially for on-field coaching and administration. All of your assistance will be deeply appreciated. In addition to the higher caliber of competition, players should benefit from having complete soccer uniforms, playing on properly marked fields, having trained referees, and utilizing the customary rules of the game. Although all players will continue to be taught all skills, stability will be maintained in the positions they play. Because this is a select team, the performance of the team and the conduct of the players will be evaluated at the end of each season in order to ensure that each player continues to have the interest and the ability to compete at this next higher level.
Candidly, I do not know all of the potential costs at this time. They will be higher than those with the Boys and Girls Club. XYZ will charge approximately $650 for the team as a whole. This includes referees, field equipment, general administration, and state and national affiliation fees. There may also be a charge of approximately $100 for group insurance. This team charge does not include uniforms, practice balls, or game balls. The cost per player is likely to be around $200, based on 15 players, with over $100 each paying for a uniform consisting of two jerseys, shorts, and socks. With proper care, uniforms will last more than one season, however, as players grow larger new uniforms will likely have to be purchased. This individual charge does not include shoes, shin guards, or specialized goalie equipment, which will also have to be purchased by the individual players. ABC Athletic Association has indicated that they will provide balls and other practice equipment.
Although ABC Athletic Association has further indicated that they may have a set of jerseys for our use, costs will also be dependent upon decisions made by you, collectively, as to the type and the quality of the uniform. In addition, parents may collectively decide on such things as team warm-ups, team bags, and participation in turn limits.
Please call me at home on 123-555-nnnn, or work on 234-555-nnnn, or on my cell phone at 345-555-nnnn, or write to me at the address above, or send me an e-mail at to express your interest, one way or the other. Thank you very much.
Prospective players list
Coach bio
Letter Sample Two:
City, State, Zip
Dear Soccer Parents:
As of January 8, 20XX, the players on the enclosed list are confirmed for our new team. Others are still waiting to decide. I expect a final roster of about 15 players. Apparently, I am still looking for someone who wants to specifically play goalie. Further recruiting on your part would be most appreciated. Otherwise, I will soon advertise for tryouts.
In order to keep the process for establishing the team moving as quickly as possible, please:
- Complete the enclosed Parents Questionnaire;
- Complete the enclosed Player Information Sheet;
- Write a check for $200.00, made payable to me; and,
- Send the three items above to me as soon as possible, but no later than February 1, 20XX.
I have enclosed a stamped, self-addressed envelope for your use.
The following information has now become available:
Player Registration – At a minimum, this will involve completion of an ABC Athletic Association form and an XYZ Organization form. The XYZ registration process results in the issuance of a player pass (a.k.a. player card). It is the XYZ process that will require two pictures and proof of birthdate.
Pictures – Player pictures must clearly show the face of the child and be reasonably current. The two pictures should be 1-1/4” x 1-1/4” or smaller. The small school pictures are excellent for this purpose. The two pictures do not have to be identical.
Proof of Birthdate – At the time of registration with XYZ, one of the following must be presented by me, together with the pictures and the XYZ form, for each player:
– Original birth certificate,
– Passport,
– Alien Registration Card,
– State Department Certificate of Foreign Birth, or,
– County Health Record.
Nothing else (e.g., Hospital Certificate, Baptismal certificate, copies of the above) will be accepted. Your document will collected and kept safe by me, shown to the XYZ registrar, and then returned to you by me. It will not leave my possession. Player registration for select teams is an annual event, usually occurring in the summer before the start of each fall season. If you return to the team at that time, you will need to complete the registration forms again and you will need two new pictures, but the previous player pass can be used as proof of birthdate.
Competition Structure – This is the very first season for this age group in XYZ. As such, all teams are being formed now for the very first time, just like ours. XYZ expects approximately 12 teams, possibly formed into two conferences of six each. XYZ will refer to this age group as “U-9” or “Under-9.”
Game Structure – As of now, games are expected to use tow 30-minute halves and a “Size 4” ball. The first game of the season will be April X. Players will be expected to arrive no later than 30-minutes prior to the scheduled start of each game.
Player Equipment – Players must have properly-fitted, molded-cleat soccer shoes, and shin guards, which are to be worn to all practices and games. In addition, each player must have their own good quality, properly inflated, Size 4 soccer ball which is to be brought to each practice. The ball must be well-marked with the player’s last name, written in permanent marker.
Practices – Practices will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in our area starting around the second week of March. In addition, practices are likely to be called for Saturdays prior to the start of the season. This may include scrimmages with other teams.
Volunteers – I will need help to run the team efficiently and effectively. Please see the “Parent Questionnaire” to sign up. Similarly, XYZ requires the name of a potential “Conference Coordinator” just to be allowed to register the team. There is a one-in-six chance of anyone from our team being selected by XYZ for this duty.
Team Website – I will establish a team website to disseminate information. A volunteer for this would also be most appreciated.
Uniforms – Jerseys are usually identified by soccer-clothing manufacturers as Youth Small, Youth Medium, Youth Large, and corresponding adult sizes. I want to try to get the jersye3s to last at least three seasons (18 months). When completing the Player Information Sheet for sizes, please try to project to June 20XX.
Health Insurance – All players should have their own personal injury insurance coverage through their family. No one should assume that there will be accident insurance available through ABC or XYZ.
Liability Insurance – It is my understanding that all volunteers will have some small measure of liability insurance, but this should not be assumed.
I’m very excited about the upcoming season and I hope that you share my enthusiasm. Thank you very much for all of your support. If you have any questions, please call me at home between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. on 123-555-nnnn.
– Parent Questionnaire
– Player Information Sheet
– Team Members (as of January X)
– Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope
Letter Sample Three:
City, State, Zip
Dear soccer parents:
Thank you very much for your prompt and enthusiastic response to my second letter. After weeks of waiting anxiously to see whether I would have more than 11 or 12 players, I initially received nine telephone calls in just four days. We now have a completed roster of 16 players, five on a waiting list, and three who have expressed interest in joining us in the fall. Everyone has paid and I have received all parent questionnaires and player information sheets. I have paid the (dollar) fee to (organization) and they have not acknowledged receipt of the check and our entry form.
The jersey color choices on the part of the players covered a wide range. The majority selected blue for the main jersey and white for the contrasting jersey. Similarly, sizes for the jersey and the shorts covered a wide range. I will order the uniforms through (sports store) and hope that their experience will be brought to bear in getting the sizes right. I intend to err on the side of “too large” if there are any questions. The majority of players received their first choice of number. Some received their second choice, and the remainder had to be assigned. I reserved the number “1” for goalkeeper jerseys.
The overwhelming majority of players indicated that they preferred to play forward. On the one hand, this did not surprise me since your children were selected because they are excellent athletes and have above-average soccer skills. As a result, most of their former coaches played them at forward in order to score goals. On the other hand, this represents a significant challenge in terms of keeping everyone happy. Although I consider myself to be an offensive-minded, attack-oriented coach, I don’t think I can use a formation with 11 forwards!
Accordingly, I ask for your patience and support as I try to find an approach that will satisfy the most players and parents, and still not interfere with our ability to compete. I may have to immediately modify the statement in my first letter concerning stability of positions. The most important part of this process will be that you talk to me promptly if you or your son is unhappy with something, and that you provide me with your suggestions as to how I could resolve the situation fairly and amicably.
have not yet received the registration forms from (organization). I expect that I will have to call you and arrange a time for you to come to my house to fill out the forms and to deliver your son’s pictures and proof of birthdate. If I can do this by mail, I will. Enclosed you will find the following:
– team roster
– results of parent questionnaire
– statement of my philosophy
– map to my house.
Letter Sample Four:
City, State, Zip
Dear soccer parents:
I received all of the registration materials from (organization) and have concluded that it will be best that they be completed at my home.
Please come to my house on (date), between 1 PM and 5 PM.
Please bring:
– Yourself for signatures
– Your son for signatures
– Two pictures approximately 1″ x 1″ (they don’t have to be of the same shot)
– Birth certificate, or other recognized proof of age, which must be left with me.
– Your son’s registration number, if already registered or if one has been previously assigned.
You will complete:
– Player pass
– Player membership card
– USYSA registration form
– Permission slip.
Please try to do everything that you can to come during the timeframe stated above. If you cannot make it, please call me on (phone number) to arrange another time.
In addition, please see the enclosures for other important information.
City, State, Zip
Dear soccer parents:
I wish to thank each of you very much for your support and participation this past season. Believe it or not, (organization) wants our commitment and our payment for the next season within three weeks.
Accordingly, I need for you to complete the following form and return the sheet to me no later than (date).
Player’s name:
Please check one:
– My son will not be returning to the team
– My son wishes to return to the team
My son and I recognize that this is a “select” program which means that there are no guaranteed roster positions and that “tryouts” and “cuts” can occur.
If your son wishes to return to return to the team, this form must be accompanied by a check for (dollars) made to (coach). If your son does not make the team, this money will be returned to you in full.
Parent signature:
P. S. – If you would like to see the team enter a fall tournament, please check the spaces below. This will require an additional payment of approximately (dollars) per player, to be billed later.
We would expect to be available and can participate on: (check all that apply.)
– (Holiday) weekend (dates)
– (Holiday) weekend (dates)
– (Holiday) weekend (dates)
– (Holiday) weekend (dates)
Letter Sample Six:
City, State, Zip
Dear players and parents:
I certainly hope that you have been having an enjoyable summer and that you watched the games the World Cup. Now that the contest is over, it is time once again to prepare to work our own magic on the field. Everyone who wanted to come back to the team is accepted with open arms. We had a very special first season with a high degree of player compatibility. We wish to continue to build on that which we have started together.
From last season, (Player A) has gone to football, (Player B) is moving out of the area, and (Player C) will be playing soccer with his brother. We will welcome players (X, Y) and a third player yet to be selected. Current players (D) and (E) will also be playing with a travel team and, therefore, may miss a few of our games.
The first order of business for the new season is registration. Enclosed you should find the player passes and player registration forms:
1.) The player must sign both player passes on the back; please leave the front blank.
2.) Complete the registration form according to the sample provided to you last year, making sure that it is signed. All information must be typed or printed neatly.
3.) Please promptly obtain your two pictures of your son.
4.) For those of your who are new, I will need to borrow the original birth certificate or other acceptable proof of birthdate. (Note: a hospital gift version of a certificate is not acceptable. It must be the birth certificate issued by the state.) For those of you who are returning, I will be able to use your last year’s player pass.
5.) Return the forms to me by mail to be received no later than (date).
If you have any questions about any of this, please call me on (phone number).
The first practice is likely to be on or just after (date). The first game is scheduled for (date). If we are able to get into a tournament, it will be holiday weekend (dates). If you need replacement uniform equipment, please call me.
Don’t forget to do your summer school homework: juggling.
Enclosures: as stated
Letter Sample Seven:
City, State, Zip
Dear parents:
Due to the wonderful generosity of (player’s) parents (name and name), the team has been invited to a start of season team pool and pizza party for players and their families between 4:30 and 6:30 PM, (date), rain or shine, at (parents residence).
(Parents) live at:
Wear your swimsuits to the party and be sure to bring a towel and some warm, dry, clothes if it gets chilly.
To help pay for the food, each family needs to give me (X) dollars, in cash, upon arrival.
In addition, each family is requested to bring their favorite soft drink, and a bag of munchies or a finger-food-style-dessert, such as cookies, brownies, or cupcakes.
I will also conduct a brief parents meeting during this time.
They were much.
Letter Sample Eight:
City, State, Zip
Dear soccer parents:
This is to clarify and emphasize the concepts of game starting time. As identified in the game schedule and procedures, “arrive 30 minutes early” means, all players must be:
– Next the playing field
– Gathered together as a team
– In the correct uniform, with alternate jersey available
– Properly dressed for the weather
– Not wearing watches or anything dangerous
– With shoelaces firmly tied
– Without gum or candy, etc., in the mouth
– Well rested
No less than 30 minutes prior to the scheduled kickoff.
In order to do this, additional time must be allowed when leaving your house, beyond travel time, for road conditions, including getting past possible accidents or road repair work, parking, and walking to the field.
This is extremely important for two main reasons. First, the players receive pregame instructions, captains are appointed who need time to meet with the referee, and stretching and warm-up’s must be conducted in order to reduce the chances of injury. Second, a coach literally spends hours prior to each game planning lineups and substitution patterns specific to the opponent and which will accommodate known absences, designed to get everyone there fair share of playing time, while trying to keep the team properly competitive during the entire match. Failure to arrive on time for game, like failure to inform the coach about being absent from the game, works to destroy this plan and serves to undermine the entire team.
Thank you for your adherence to these policies.
Letter Sample Nine:
City, State, Zip
Dear soccer parents:
Because I have already received a number of inquiries concerning what happens with the team next season, I’ve decided to send this letter to you early. By the way, there will not be any activities run by me for the team during this winter.
This past season has been a learning experience for all of us, but especially for me. I under-estimated the effects of losing players (D) and (E), and I over-estimated the team’s ability to pick up from where we left off in the previous season. In addition, I did not expect fitness to be a factor for this age group, but apparently it is.
Recently, the assistant coaches and I have made some minor adjustments in practice. We plan to make major adjustments for the upcoming season. We plan to integrate stamina into the skill drills, as well as have the players run more. We will go back to basics to rebuild the foundations for skill development. We will divide more often into small groups to work on tactics. And, we plan to go to a different formation, which will better balance our offensive and defensive play. Further, we need to identify at least two players who will now concentrate on goalkeeping by their choice.
In addition, I intend to get practices back on a regular Tuesday and Thursday schedule. In short, my inclinations at this time are to return to a far more structured program. It can still be flexible, but there will be a much higher expectation of the players in practices and games.
Per (organization) rules, the players we had this past fall are the players we will have for the spring, unless parents formally ask for their son’s withdrawal. A withdrawal form is enclosed for your use, if you so choose. At this point, this form is for my information only. Additional action may be required of you to satisfy the rules of (organization).
Prior to each season, it would probably be a good idea to candidly discuss the differences between “competitive” and “recreational” soccer with your son before you make a decision to stay or to withdraw. In this discussion, please ensure yourself that both you and your child remain comfortable with the team and continue to have the desire to play in the competitive environment.
Accordingly, by (date):
1). If you wish for your son to return to the team for the next season, please send a check, made out to (me), for (dollars); or,
2). If you do not wish for your son to return to the team for the upcoming season, please send (me) the signed withdrawal form.
I’ve also enclosed a financial statement for your information that shows the income and expenses for last season. The minor shortfall was paid by me.
Enclosure, as stated
Letter Sample Ten:
City, State, Zip
Dear soccer parents:
The parents’ meeting for the upcoming season will be held (date) at (facility) at (time).
We will address the following:
– Thank you
– Attendance
– Results of fund drive
– Uniforms
– Shoes
– How to tie shoes
– Keeping socks up
– Requirements for every player to have their own ball, properly marked with your last name in permanent marker; we are still using a “Size 4” ball
– Season format
– Tournaments
– Finances
– Practices
– Traffic requirements at the practice field
– Need for water kits each game; sign-up
– Team photos
– Need for extra ball work outside of practice
– New (organization) rules for spectators
– Registration
– Upcoming players’ meeting, (date), (location), (time); parents may attend the players’ meeting
– Questions
Letter Sample Eleven:
City, State, Zip
Dear soccer parents:
Important notices and information; please read these very carefully and completely.
1.) Please remember to bring both jerseys to all games. This is true even if your son has been told which jersey to wear. We never know when conflicts may occur and we will be required to change. This is especially true for tournament games.
2.) We’ve been accepted for the (XYZ) weekend tournament in (location). Please reserve all three days, (date, date, and date), for possible games. Three games are guaranteed, with up to five possible.
3.) We’ve applied for the (ABC) summer classic tournament, to be held (date and date). I will need a check from all participants for (dollars) made out to (me).
4.) A medical release form is required for both tournaments. A separate flyer will be given to you later with the form. The form will have to be notarized (signed by you in the presence of a notary public), before it is returned to (me).
5.) Rain policy for practices: Beginning this season, we will now start with the assumption that, if possible, practices WILL be held. Practices will automatically be canceled in advance upon rain or lightning at the start of practice, or if steady rain occurs up to one hour before the start of practice. Soaked grounds or the threat of rain are no longer criteria for a canceled practice. If you have doubts, please show up. Please try not to call me if it can be avoided. Once practice has started, it will be terminated early only if a steady rain or a cold rain begins, or if lightning is seen. Under these conditions parents are expected to pick up their children immediately.
6.) Team photographs: Last season, I took a team photo and individual pictures at a cost of (dollars) per player. Prior to that, the services of a professional photographer were obtained by (organization), who provided a range of wallet-size and trading-card-style options, in addition to the team photo, and prices started at approximately (dollars). I need to know which of these two options you would like for this upcoming season. Please cut off and return the bottom part of the sheet with your preference.
Team photo preference for the upcoming season:
– Photos by coach
– Photos by professional
Letter Sample Twelve:
City, State, Zip
Dear soccer parents,
I’m pleased provide you with the following information:
Our awards ceremony and spring meeting will be held (date), (time), (location).
If you are not returning to the team for the upcoming season, please complete the form below and return it to me by date. Otherwise, it will be assumed that your son is returning.
The uniforms supplier has had a problem with their production this past year. I have very few uniform pieces available. Inform me immediately if you need something. Socks may be purchased directly by you at (store). Mention that you are with (team), under (coach).
With our success this past year, I was asked to try to get into some tournaments again. As such, I will apply for a local preseason tournament to be held (date and date). In addition, I will apply for a postseason tournament to be held (date and date). Note that this conflicts with (organization) rain dates, unless someone knows of a tournament which will be held the following weekend. If you do, please let me know. In order to apply for these tournaments, I will need a check from every player for (dollars), made out to (me), to be received by (me) no later than our preseason meeting on (date).
Again this season, I have the very real problem, because my job, of not being able to make it to some practices exactly on time. At the meeting, we must develop a schedule of parents who can cover and start the practice when this happens. We must also identify a second adult present for all practices at all times.
Player’s name:
We do not wish to return for the season.
Parent signature:
Letter Sample Thirteen:
City, State, Zip
Dear soccer parents,
This is to inform you that we have been accepted to the preseason tournament of (date). The tournament game schedule will not be available until the weekend of (date). I must have confirmed adult backup for me on both tournament days.
Practice will start this (date). Another copy of the preseason practice schedule is enclosed.
The tournament requires both liability and medical release forms. Copies of both forms are enclosed for you to fill out. Both forms must be in my possession no later than (date). Instructions for the medical release form are also enclosed. Remember that the medical release form must be notarized. I need new medical release forms for all players. The old forms that I had on file have all expired.
Please let me know as soon as possible if your son will not be available for the tournament.
Please let me know as soon as possible if your son will not be available if I set up a scrimmage for (date).
Reminder: For those of you who have not yet paid the preseason and postseason tournament fees, I still need a check from you for (amount) made out to (me).
Thank you.
Letter Sample Fourteen:
City, State, Zip
Dear soccer parent,
I would like to inform you of exactly what I told your son.
Your son is a very polite and well-mannered young man and I would be very pleased to welcome him to our team.
I already have 16 players on the roster, most of whom have been with me for quite some time. This is the number of players that I’ve chosen to carry, although I can carry up to 18. Three of these players also play on other teams. Most of the rest of the players will also be playing for their middle school teams. As a result, the majority of the players are likely to miss a number of practices and yet they will play most of the time in games. This will appear on its face to be very unfair.
In this age group, in “classic” soccer, there is no “minimum” or “required” amount of playing time for each player. There will be two games, of the eight on the schedule, where the three players who are on other teams will not be able to make it to our team’s games. These are the two games where your son should be able to get a significant amount of playing time. I do try to play everyone in all games while trying to be competitive.
Given the circumstances described above, joining the team might be a somewhat expensive undertaking. Fees will include registration with the state youth Association ($), registration with the club ($), uniform fee ($), tournament fees ($), and purchase of the optional team bag ($). Your son must also have his own practice ball, shin guards and soccer shoes.
If you still wish to proceed, please complete the enclosed forms according to the instructions and return them to me immediately, together with your check made out to (me). In addition, when it is time for me to take the forms to the state registrar, I will need to borrow your son’s original birth certificate, or a certified copy of the original birth certificate, or an original passport, as proof of age. This will be promptly returned to you as soon as the registration has been completed.
Enclosures: As stated
© Copyright, John C. Harves