© Copyright, John C. Harves
Reviews from users of the® web site:
You’ve got to check out It’s absolutely amazing.
- Helen Negrey, NSCAA/United Soccer Coaches All America
a treasure trove of information
- Adams, Cheshire, Savoy Youth Soccer Association
To start the discussion off, I found this page which discusses how to introduce positions to novices. This is essentially how I dealt with positions at the U10 level.
- Discussion initiated by rca2 in ‘Coach’ forum of BigSoccer
Useful information that you can apply to your own coaching program/style.
- Oswegoland Park District Athletics
Here is a good explanation. “The act of charging is a challenge for space using physical contact within playing distance of the ball without using arms or elbows.”
– Anonymous in DC Urban Moms and Dads discussion forum
This is a great communication study for those who struggle with talking on the pitch, or understanding what people mean when they say certain things in a game. Hope it helps!
- Pinterest My Info saved to the beautiful game (futbal)
The following is an article from by former collegiate coach John Harves. Mr. Harves now works with club teams in their development of young athletes with aspirations of playing collegiate soccer. The following document is a sample coaching philosophy for use at the club (travel) soccer level which can be equated to a mission statement for business. You can think of a club as a business whose customers are the parents of its players who shell out $400 to $2,000 a season for their child to play soccer. With that kind of “investment” comes with expectations from the investors of returns in the forms of wins as well as the improvement of their little Messi. At the recreational level the expectations aren’t much different. The first questions most adults ask of their young players is “did you win” only then followed by “how did you do?”
What is striking about the sample philosophy below is that it subjugates winning to the development of technical and tactical skills and fun. This in the face of investor expectations. Both its stated short and long term goals deal exclusively with player development and fun and goes on further to specifically exclude winning as objective at all.
The object of playing any game is to strive to win and Mr. Harves does not imply the contrary. He does argue however that wins are the application of soccer skills by developed players. As coaches we must take this argument and break it down into its two essential parts; players play and coaches coach. It is the players alone who decide the outcome of a game and by right are allowed to define their own success in terms record if they so choose. A coach is confined to success in terms of the individual improvement of each player or as some will argue the worst player on the team.
- Manchester South Jr. Soccer League
Thanks. After reading both sites, I feel good about what I’ve been doing so far. My focus has been on individual skills more than anything.
- Smokedraw01
Good soccer resource website.
- South Sound Soccer
After Exams are done take some time to review soccer communication terms.
We encourage you to visit the following web sites. They provide wonderful information about coaching the great game of soccer. In addition please visit the “soccer links” section of the web site for more soccer web sites.
- Bay Shore Soccer Club
…solid website… just downloaded what I needed.
- Darckwod on EspoCRM forum
Teaching resource.
Start with standardizing 1-3 word phrases…
– futsalfan, Volunteer Coach in Bootroom
– Mentor 56,716 6,666
…provides good instruction for how to teach heading.
-, article, heads-headers
I am a big fan of your website and the information it has. It has been really useful to go through your detailed work and it is helping to shape the structure of my project,
– Samuel J.
I just noticed this page at the link I posted — Very interesting “Unwritten Rules of Soccer”. Nice!
– berkeman and
The website Coaching American Soccer has some great resources for creating soccer kits. They provide different recommendations whether you’re a parent, player,l or even the coach.
– Stevens Point Orthopedics